Scott Vollmer Outfitting, LLC

​Scott Vollmer, MT Outfitter #26303

Authorized Dealer, Canyon Coolers

Copyright Scott Vollmer Outfitting, LLC.  All rights reserved.


​Growing up in rural northwestern Pennsylvania, I was exposed to fishing and hunting at an early age and was hooked from the beginning.  My love of the outdoors took me to Penn State University, where I spent many mornings and evenings on the best limestone streams in the state.  It ultimately lead me to a summer job as a fly-fishing guide in Alaska on the Mulchatna and Koktuli Rivers in southwestern Alaska and the Ayakulik River on Kodiak Island, a fly fisherman's paradise.  After college, I continued in this occupation for a total of 8 years and then decided to move to Montana as a fly fishing guide and elementary teacher.  After 10 years of exploring Montana trout streams and guiding 100-130 days a year for trusted outfitters, I decided to become an outfitter myself in 2015.  My guiding experience covers over 25 seasons in Alaska and Montana and countless personal days on the water.  I pride myself on being courteous, professional, and knowledgeable.  I have a very wide and diverse knowledge base that covers nearly all trout waters in our great state.  My strengths include being flexible and able to quickly adjust to daily conditions, even on rivers that I do not fish on multiple occasions in a given season.  I will travel far and wide in search of good trout fishing and am very capable doing it.  In addition, as an experienced and innovative fly-tier, be prepared to try some of my own exclusive "secret flies" that I have developed and tested.  I am experienced in guiding clients of all skill levels in trout fishing.  I will work hard to make your day very enjoyable and a positive learning experience for all levels of anglers.  I will happily contact you with a full check list of gear, tackle, and the best rivers and streams for your trip to make it a once in a lifetime experience!

In addition to being an outfitter, I am active in industry concerns, recently serving on the Madison River Negotiated Rulemaking Committee and the FWP River Recreation Advisory Council.  In addition, I currently serve as Vice President for the Montana Outfitters and Guides Association (MOGA) and serve as the outfitting representative on the Board of the Montana Travel Association (MTTA).



Scott Vollmer, MT Outfitter License #26303

​Other Guides, Scott Vollmer Outfitting, LLC

​Being a small operator compared to some other outfitters in Montana, there is a high likelihood that I will be your guide for the day.  I really enjoy meeting and interacting with my clients; however, there are times when I am either unavailable or your party needs more than one guide for the day.  If this happens, I have acquired, through many years of guiding in Montana, a trusted list of colleagues that I can rely upon for your trip. Many of these guides are experienced outfitters themselves.  Guides I employ are independent contractors that I have worked with for several seasons and trust them to provide a day that is up to the high standards that I demand from myself.  Scott Vollmer Outfitting only hires courteous, professional, and knowledgeable guides.  If I am unavailable and am unable to secure the services of one of these safe and trusted guides, I will not book the trip and will refer you to other outfitters to complete your trip.  I can assure you that my guides are the most trusted guides I know and, like me, are extremely comfortable in most any angling situations and local conditions that may occur.